Monday, January 29, 2018

Giro fantastico sopra Monte Banco / Fantastic ride over the Mont Blanc / Cursa fantastica peste Mont Blanc

Salutare suflete dragi,
Astazi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi o experienta extraordinara, o experienta care iti pune sangele in miscare  si iti suceste capul la propriu si la figurat. Experienta despre care vreau sa va vorbesc este escaladarea unui munte cu un mijloc de transport inovativ si spectaculos, funicularul Skyway. Muntele despre care vorbeam in precedenta este Mont Blanc iar Skyway va permite sa ajungeti la 3466 metri altitudine intr-o cursa suspendati deasupra vailor si stancilor si rotindu-va la 360°. Nu va preocupati, rotirea funicularului este imperceptibila asadar nu va veti simti rau, daca nu aveti rau de inaltime si daca vederea vaii si golul de sub picioarele voastre nu va impresioneaza. Va las doar cateva date pentru ca pricum pentru mai multe informatii puteti  controla site-ul lor. Traseul pe versantul italian are plecarea de la Courmayeur, are o oprire intermediara la pavilionul Du Mont-Fréty unde trebuie sa cobororati, si sa luati urmatorul funicular pana la varful Helbronner. Daca doriti puteti sa va opriti la pavilionul Du Mont Fréty si sa va bucurati de gradina botanica care din pacate este inchisa iarna deschizand doar de pe 24 aprilie, de Crama Mont Blanc, diversele restaurante, zona shopping, sala de conferinte sau pur si simplu sa iesiti afara in zapada la 2173 de metri altitudine. Noi am preferat sa continuam traseul si ne-am oprit doar la intoracere in aceasta etapa intermediara intrucat iarna zilele sunt scurte si nu doream sa pierdem panorama muntelui inzapezit scaldat in lumina soarelui. La varful Helbroner turistii se pot bucura de Sala Cristalelor, o expozitie extrem de interesanta de cristale care iti atrag privirea negresit, Sala Mont Blanc, o incursiune in istoria muntelui si a funicularului, un bistro cochet in care poti gusta un capuccino in timp ce privesti muntele la picioarele tale, Skywow, balustrada suspendata in sticla de aprox. 3 metri care iti ofera o fantastica priveliste deasupra stancilor si zapezilor perene de pe Mont Blanc si in ultimul rand dar nu ultima, magnifica terasa la 360°. Aceasta este o teresa circulara care ofera o priveliste incredibila si unica asupra varfurilor si ghetarilor. In fata ochilor avem o intindere nesfarsita a unui splendid cer albastru si un mozaic electrizant de stanci. Pretul biletului pana in varful Helbronner dus si intors este de 49€ dar experienta traita pe acea terasa a meritat absolut toti banii. Exista si posibilitatea unor abonamente si reduceri dar cred ca este mai bine sa va interesati direct pe site-ul firmei Skyway. Va voi mai spune cateva cuvinte despre orarele curselor iar apoi va voi lasa sa admirati pentru moment doar din fotografii aceasta adevarata minunatie a lumii. In luna de iarna prima cursa pleaca din Courmayeur la ora 8,30 dimineata iar in lunile de vara la 6,30. Ultima cursa de intoarcere in lunile de iarna este la 16,30 iar in lunile de vara la 17,30. Pentru toti cei ce au prieteni cu patru labe mentionez ca sunt admisi cainii atat timp cat au botnita si zgarda asadar puteti sa va bucurati de aceasta splendoare alaturi de cel mai bun si fidel prieten al vostru. Aceasta postare nu este sponsorizata, scopul meu fiind acela de a impartasi cu voi aceasta minunata experienta. Public linkul site-ului in cauza doar pentru a va facilita informarea in cazul in care sunteti interesati si aveti nevoie de mai multe detalii. Va multumesc pentru ca ati citit postarea mea si va doresc o vizionarea placuta a fotografiilor.

Salve belle anime,
Oggi voglio condividere con voi un'esperienza straordinaria, un'esperienza che mette il sangue in movimento e fa girare la testa in senso proprio e figurato. L'esperienza di cui voglio parlare è l'escalation di una montagna con mezzi di trasporto innovativi e spettacolari, la funivia Skyway. La montagna di cui stavo parlando è il Monte Bianco e Skyway consente di raggiungere i 3466 metri di altitudine in una gara appesa sopra le valli e le rocce girando su se stessi a 360 °. Non vi dovete preoccupare, il giro della funivia è impercettibile, quindi non vi sentirete male se non soffrite per via dell'altezza elevata e se la vista della valle e il divario ai vostri piedi non v'impressioneranno. Vi lascio solo alcuni dati e per ulteriori informazioni è possibile controllare il loro sito. Il percorso sul versante italiano comincia da Courmayeur, ha una fermata intermedia al padiglione Du Mont-Fréty dove bisogna scendere e prendere la funivia successiva fino alla punta Helbronner. Se lo si desidera, ci si può fermare al padiglione Du Mont Fréty e godersi il giardino botanico che purtroppo è chiuso in inverno, aprendo solo il 24 aprile, le Cave Mont Blanc, i vari ristoranti, la zona shopping, la sala conferenze o semplicemente uscire nella neve a 2173 metri di altitudine. Abbiamo preferito continuare il percorso e ci siamo fermati solo al ritorno in questa fase intermedia perché le giornate d'inverno sono brevi e non abbiamo voluto perdere il panorama della montagna innevata illuminata dal sole. Sulla punta dell'Helbroner, i turisti possono godersi la Salla dei Cristalli, un'esibizione molto interessante di cristalli che attirano subito lo sguardo, la Sala Monte Bianco, un'incursione nella storia della montagna e della funivia, un accogliente bistrot dove si può gustare un cappuccino con montagna sotto i piedi, Skywow, la balaustra in vetro sospesa di circa 3 metri che regala una fantastica vista sulle rocce e la neve perenne sul Monte Bianco e ultima ma non meno importante, la magnifica terrazza a 360 °. Questa è una terrazza circolare che offre una vista incredibile e unica delle cime e dei ghiacciai. Davanti ai nostri occhi abbiamo la distesa infinita di uno splendido cielo blu e un elettrizzante mosaico di rocce. Il prezzo del biglietto andata e ritorno fino alla punta Helbronner è di 49 €, ma l'esperienza vissuta su quella terrazza meritava assolutamente tutti i soldi. C'è anche la possibilità di fare abbonamenti e avere sconti, ma penso che sia meglio interessarsi sul loro sito web. Vi dirò qualche altra parola sugli orari delle corse e poi vi lascerò ammirare, per il momento solo dalle immagini, questa vera meraviglia del mondo. In inverno, la prima corsa parte da Courmayeur alle 8.30 del mattino e nei mesi estivi alle 6.30. L'ultima corsa di ritorno durante i mesi invernali è alle 16.30 e nei mesi estivi alle 17.30. A tutti quelli con amici a quattro zampe, dico che i cani sono ammessi purché abbiano museruola e guinzaglio in modo da potersi godere questo splendore insieme al migliore e più fedele amico. Questo post non è sponsorizzato, il mio obiettivo è condividere con voi questa meravigliosa esperienza. Pubblico il link del sito interessato solo per facilitare l'informazione nel caso foste interessati e aveste bisogno di maggiori dettagli. Grazie per aver letto il mio post e vi auguro una buona visione delle foto.

Hello all you beautiful hearts,
Today I want to share with you an extraordinary experience, an experience that puts blood in motion and makes your head spin in a proper and figurative sense.  The experience I want to talk about is the escalation of a mountain with an innovative and spectacular means of transport, the Skyway cable car. The mountain I was talking about is Mont Blanc and Skyway allows you to reach the 3466 meters of altitude in a ride hanging over valleys and rocks turning on themselves at 360 °. You do not have to worry, the cable car ride is imperceptible, so you will not feel bad if you do not suffer from high altitude and if the view of the valley and the gap at your feet will not impress you. I leave you only some data and for more information you can check their site. The route on the Italian side begins from Courmayeur, has an intermediate stop at the pavilion Du Mont-Fréty where you have to descent and take the next cable car up to the Helbronner peak. If you wish, you can stop at the Du Mont Fréty pavilion and enjoy the botanical garden which unfortunately is closed in winter, opening only on 24 April, the Cave Mont Blanc, the various restaurants, the shopping area, the conference room or simply go out in the snow at 2173 meters altitude. We preferred to continue the route and we stopped only at the return in this intermediate phase because the winter days are short and we did not want to lose the view of the snow-covered mountain in the light of the sun. At the Helbroner peak, tourists can enjoy the Crystal Hall, a very interesting exhibition of crystals that immediately catch the eye, the Monte Bianco Hall, an incursion into the history of the mountain and the cable car, a cozy bistro where you can taste a cappuccino with the mountain under your feet, Skywow, the suspended glass balustrade of about 3 meters that offers a fantastic view of the rocks and the perennial snow on Mont Blanc and last but not least, the magnificent 360 ° terrace. This is a circular terrace that offers an incredible and unique view of the peaks and glaciers. Before our eyes we have the endless expanse of a beautiful blue sky and an electrifying rock mosaic. The price of the roundtrip ticket to the Helbronner peak is 49 €, but the experience on that terrace deserved all the money. There is also the possibility of making subscriptions and having discounts, but I think it is better to search for this on their website. I will tell you a few more words about the timetables of the rides and then I will let you admire, for the moment only from the images, this true wonder of the world. In winter, the first ride leaves from Courmayeur at 8.30 in the morning and in the summer months at 6.30 a.m. The last run down during the winter months is at 4.30pm and in the summer months at 5.30pm. To all those with four-legged friends, I say that dogs are allowed as long as they have a muzzle and a leash so that they can enjoy this splendor together with the best and most faithful friend. This post is not sponsored, my goal is to share this wonderful experience with you.  I publish the link of the concerning site only to facilitate information in case you are interested and need more details. Thank you for reading my post and I wish you a good view of the photos. 

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IT: Questo post non ha scopi commerciali e non incoraggia vendite, denominazioni, immagini ed eventuali link presenti sono solo a scopo informativo. Le opinioni espresse rappresentano la mia esperienza in quanto consumatore. Questo post è di mia completa creazione per quanto riguarda contenuti, foto e idee espresse. Prima di usare qualsiasi parte di questo post siete pregati di contattarmi e nel caso vi abbia ispirato per altre creazioni, chiedo cortesemente di menzionare la fonte.
ENG: This post has no commercial purposes and does not encourage sales, names, pictures and eventual links are present only for an informative purpose. The opinions expressed represent my experience as a consumer. This post is of my entire creation as for contents, photos and expressed ideas. Before using any part of it, you need to contact me and in case it inspired you for other creations, I gently ask you to mention the source.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Gamiss Valentines Day Promotion

Gamiss Valentines Day Promotion

Good day darlings! February is almost here and what does it mean?  14TH is Valentine’s Day!!! Yessss! I really love all Valentine ornaments in shops and every place, restaurants and pubs, also turn extremely beautiful. One of the most frequent questions for this special date is what are you going to wear. Don’t worry, you could find in this article a guidebook to a trendy and fashion Valentine’s Day based on Gamiss  valentines day 2018 incredible promotions, that you can find on their site. This guide is going to be centered on three different Valentine’s plans so you can find the perfect look for every occasion:

1.         Special collocation date: 
There’s a theory that wearing these colors, most especially black  and red, makes one looks more sexually attractive. Men and women in red or near red and black are perceived by women as having higher status than men who aren't wearing or near red. You are going to have a very romantic date with your boyfriend.
I suggest you wear a piece of item that is in or have the color black This color isn’t only flattering on any skin tone but also symbolizes confidence.
With this black Line Scoop Neck Dress with a red Small Square Bag Mini Chain Bag

Outfit: Pumps

2. Sisters and Valentines:
Valentine’s day is the perfect day to meet your sister and go to lunch with a two pieces outfit, one for you, Floral Off The ShoulderTop and Mini Skirt  and another for your sister, Floral Print TwoPiece Shorts Set.

3.  Single special party:
And to end this guide, a good option is to go out with your friends!!!
if you’re single or in a up-and-coming relationship or in a relationship that has just started and/or if wearing red or Black on Valentine’s Day is just too much for you, the next best option is wearing pink or any piece of clothing with a touch of pink. Brighter pinks are youthful, fun, and exciting, while vibrant pinks have the same high energy as red; they are sensual and passionate without being too aggressive. Toning down the fire of red color with the purity of white color results in softer pinks that are associated with romance and the blush of a young woman's cheeks.


I hope you have a delightful Valentine’s Day. Enjoy it!

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ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Valentine's Day guidebook from Zaful

 Valentine's Day guidebook

We know, that you might be a little bit anxious to go for a date on a Valentine's day. What are the expectations of your girlfriend, how will she perceive you. First of all, you need to feel good in your own shoes. Not literally, but you need to be confident and hold head high, to take her on a date. Make sure, you also pick a proper outfit. Be careful to choose clothes that will make HER look like a queen. Go with something casual and strong. Cover your insecurities with some hoodies or go for a shirt that will bold out your perfect body. Also, don't forget a right perfume! With some accessories, like an artificial leather braid bracelet, you will show her your virility and also your pretty side.

Outfit pick


No date for a Valentine's day? No problem. If you have a sister, that you care for, you could invite her to dinner, as well! Make sure, that your outfits are on point – you could always meet the love of your life, even when you are not expecting it. And how cute it is, to see two girls in matching outfits? Scroll over Zaful and look for elements that come in different colors. Ask your sister what color is her favorite and make her a surprise – order two clothing pieces in a different colors, but same model. When you get your order, buy a box, write a cute little letter and put it in the pack. It should say: Sister, let's have some fun in our matching outfits, and go for a Valentine's dinner! You never know who you are going to meet there. Nice and beautiful surprise.

Outfit pick


A bachelor party is a party held by a man, quickly before he enters marriage. Make sure, you make a good plan, what should all your men look like – are you in for something more casual? We think, that we all agree that you should feel good, so you could choose some fine garments at our site. If you will go out, have a drink and party a little, it's also a great idea, that every of your celibate have the same piece of clothing or accessories, so you don't lose yourself. With that, one can see that you belong to the same company, to the same party. Or colors what you can choose on your behalf. Like red.

Outfit pick

Make up

Hope this post helps you get ready for Valentine's day! Have a fantastic day my darlings!

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ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose

How important is Valentine's day for you? Zaful has some ideas ;)


Have you done all the purchasing connected to the ongoing holidays? You might have thought that the shopping is done, but Valentine’s day is right at your door and Zaful  has prepared some really interesting offers for you! That 14th of February is approaching and you might want to think in advance what you would like to buy for your Valentine or eventually to treat yourself! During this Zaful Valentine’s Day  Promotion there are some great offers when it comes to choosing your Zaful valentines daysale 2018.  If you haven’t shopped on our website before, now is the right moment! We offer a variety of elemnts which will make you enjoy shopping your gifts for Valentine’s day. You have so many alternatives - from women’s and men’s clothing to home decor. Be sure that Zaful is offering the best Valentine’s Day gift you will ever expect! Finding the right gift has never been more easy, it is only few clicks away from you!  Go ahead and see for yourself what Zaful has prepared for you because you definitely won’t be disappointed. Zaful team wishes you happy Valentine’s day and delightful shopping !

Hope Valentine's day will find you well prepared and I wish you a fantastic day my darlings!

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ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose

Rosegal Valentine's Day Gifts 2018

Rosegal Valentine's Day Gifts 2018

Valentine’s day is almost here, and it’s a special moment for many of us. Some of you might go for a romantic date or spend time with the person you love. But there are many people who are not going on a date or have a boyfriend or girlfriend, who must find other manners to spend the day. For instance, the girls can make plans for a sleepover party while the guys can arrange a bachelor party. But whatever you plan on Valentine’s day, there might be some of you who have no idea what to wear on that day. To help you along the way, we thought to write a Valentine’s Day outfit guidebook, where you can find inspiration and advice on what you can wear on that day. We decided to divide it into three parts: 1. outfit for dating for boyfriends, 2. Sisters installed outfits, 3. Outfit for bachelor party. We hope that this Valentine’s Day guidebook is useful, and we wish everyone to have a magnificent and great Valentine’s day filled with love and happiness.

 1.Outfits for dating for boyfriends
We picked out these clothes which you can wear for a date. They are very romantic. It’s important to wear a garment that is comfortable and makes you feel confident in it. We think that colors like Red or Black are perfect colors to wear for Valentine’s day. Red is associated with romance while black is associated with something mysterious. For accessories you can for example wear earrings and necklaces with pearls or diamond details. Just dress to impress, keep it simple with not too many details and let your personality shine through.



2. Sister installed outfits
We picked out these sister installed outfits. If you don’t have a boyfriend, not found a date and all your friends are other plans but you are lucky to have a sister, who doesn’t have plans on that day, you can make plans together! For example, go shopping together, prepare cupcakes, watch a movie or go to a party. It would more interesting if you wore matching dresses in different colors.



3. Outfits for bachelor party
We choose these outfits to wear for a bachelor party. It’s supposed to be a nice occasion, and a great opportunity to dress up a little. At this party, there are single men and women. This is a good occasion for you who are still single. So you have to dress yourself. Make yourself look more attractive. A fantastic suit would go well.

Outfit 3

Red Dress 

Wish you all a beautiful day and hope this post was useful to you!

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ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

On facebook too ;)

Hello darlings,
I am here know to share with you my Facebook too. If you want to stay in touch on this social network too and know things I don't manage to post on my blog, or if you want just a sneack a peek of my latest experiences or just what my next blog post will be, please follow me too on this social network channel at the link below. Hugs and kisses,

Ciao carissimi,
Oggi sono qui per condividere con voi anche il mio Facebook. Se volete restare in contatto anche su questo social, sapere cose che non riesco a condividere sul mio blog o se semplicemente volete fare una sbirciatina alle mie ultime esperienze e sapere quale sarà il mio prossimo post sul blog, vi prego seguitemi anche su questo canale di socializzare al link qui sotto. Baci e abbracci,

Salutare dragilor,
Astazi vreau sa impartasesc cu voi si pagina mea de Facebook. Daca vreti sa ramanem in contact si pe acest canal de socializare, sa aflati lucrurile despre care nu reusesc sa vorbesc pe blog, sa aruncati un ochi la ultimele experiente sau pur si simplu la ultima mea postare de pe blog, va rog sa ma urmariti si pe acest canal de socializare la linkul de mai jos. Va imbratisez cu drag,

Monday, January 22, 2018

Rosegal for your Valentine's day!

Get your Valentine's day game strong with Rosegal

Valentine’s Day is arriving soon and many of you have probably made programs for the special day. Some of you are spending time with your boyfriend/girlfriend, while some of you are going on a romantic date. There are many things you can do for those of you who are single or not going on a date. You can for instance have a Valentine’s party or spend time with your friends and family. But whatever you choose to do, a Valentine’s Day gift will always delight the day. Rosegal is currently having a valentine’s day gifts 2018 collection where you can grasp the best valentine’s day gifts. We also have Rosegal Valentine’s Day promotion promotions. Find the best valentines presents for him and her at Rosegal, and save up to 60% off, check out cheap ties, shirts and pants for men, necklaces, babydolls and scarves on their website. We at Rosegal wish you an excellent Valentine’s Day, filled with lots of love and joy.

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ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose

Friday, January 19, 2018

Elizavecca products - my honest review part two

Hello my beautiful souls,
I return to talk to you about the remaining products that the Korean company Elizavecca sent me a few weeks ago. I saw that you appreciated the first post and that you are interested in this brand and these products so I hurried up to finish my second post. Just like the precedent post I will start talking about them one by one.

Milky Piggy Gold WaterDual Snail Mask Pack

 Just as the name says, the main ingredients of this product are the snail slime filtered water and 24K gold extract. It also contains  witch hazel extract,  grapefruit extract and colloidal gold. This product is recommended for tired and dull skin that lacks vitality and due to all those ingredients it offers elasticity and shine to the skin. The ingredients have also well-known anti-wrinkle properties. It should be applied after a normal cleansing routine. You should retrieve the mask from the pack and spread it on the face, after you make sure it is well adhered to your face you must leave it for 15 to 20 minutes and relax while doing so. After this interval you may remove the mask and let it seep into the skin the remaining essence or massage your face lightly. After this treatment you should be reborn in a noble skin.

Personal experience: The first thing that I noticed is that just as the manufacturer states the mask is well drenched into a good amount of essence. A thing that created me some problems is that I found it a little bit difficult to properly apply it to the face due to the incisions made on the boards of the tissue. It had the tendency to move and I tried to lay it. After the application I noticed a softer and hydrated skin but I can’t say that I noticed my skin glowing or having less wrinkles, although it is true that the producer recommends using it 4-5 times a week in order to see the results described above. I also have to say that I had the skin somewhat irritated and after this treatment the irritation was calmed.

Milky Piggy Hell-poreVitamin Brightturn Pelling Gel

The first thing I have noticed when seeing this product was the cute packaging, the white and refreshed piggy face that hides behind a dark and dirty mask is a transfiguration of what this product should do. Inside the box I found a tube with 150 ml of a translucent liquid that contains small rolling particles. On the internet and on the site of this brand unfortunately there are no information on English about this product so I had to rely only on the instructions on the packaging in order to use this product. For the description of this product I will share with you what I can read on the packaging that is the fact that is a peeling gel enriched with vitamins for a cleansing, refreshing and brightening effect. It contains Chamomile flower extract, Snow Lotus flower extract, Brown Alga extract, Citrus fruit oil, castor oil and Lily bulb extract.  Thanks to all these ingredients and to the fact that it contains rolling particles this product eliminates dead skin cells and cleanses the pores. The directions for use indicate to take a proper amount of  product and spread it evenly throughout the entire face then massage it gently and when the gel is tight it should be rinsed with tepid water.

Personal experience: I have to say that just warm water it isn’t enough to rinse it otherwise one might need very much time to do it. I recommend using a wet towel to rub and remove the gel once it becomes tight. I also recommend to apply it on small areas that need treatment and not on the entire face otherwise you might have problems removing it. That being said, once removed, I noticed a very clean face and as you might see in the photo below my pores are clean and the black heads were removed. I have to say that I prefer this product to clean my pores, it is better than a black carbon mask in my opinion.

Milky Piggy Hell-PoreBubble BlackBoom Pore Pack

The last product that I will talk to you about is a true innovation, this product is both a mask pack and a bubble wash at the same time. The Hell Pore Bubble Blackboom Charcoal pore pack is a cleansing product that contains 4% charcoal and cleans your pores in a bubble wash. It is a low irritation foam pack indicated for oily skin to remove pore sebum and skin keratin.  It also contains panthenol and tocopheryl acetate to help moisturize skin. Other ingredients are: Papaya fruit extract, Rosemary extract, Chamomile extract, and Soapberry peel extract. It can be used on morning and evening by applying a proper amount of product to whole face except around eyes. After 5 minutes it can be removed with warm water by massaging in circular motions to form a rich bubble wash. It should be washed thoroughly with tepid water and after this it is possible to continue with the normal skin care routine.

Personal experience: I like this product because after using it my skin is very clean. It is similar to a soap wash in results and finish. I noticed a strong degreasing effect that is why although the producer indicates this product as appropriate to all skin types, I would recommend it mostly for oily skin. Afterwards,  when using also a good hydration cream  I noticed a very beautiful, bright, soft and clean skin. Another thing that I like very much is the fresh perfume of this product.

For more informations you can check the Elizavecca page mentioned below:

IT: Questo post è una collaborazione occasionale, i prodotti sono stati regalati ma questo non ha influito sulla mia valutazione. Le denominazioni, immagini ed eventuali link presenti sono anche a scopo informativo.
ENG: This post is an occasional collaboration,the products were given to me but this did not influenced my evaluation. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose

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