IT: Care donne, vi auguro di non farvi mai mancare la forza di riprendere da capo quando le delusioni si sono presentate, né la determinazione di rinunciare a tutto ciò che vi fa male! Vi auguro queste cose ogni giorno dell'anno, ma oggi più che mai la vostra forza vi rende più belle e speciali. Lasciatevi coccolare, amare e apprezzare perché oggi è la vostra festa, la celebrazione del vostro coraggio! AUGURI care donne!
ENG: Dear women, I wish you never lack the strength to take it from the beginning when disappointments have come your way, nor the determination to give up everything that hurts you! I wish you these things every day of the year, but today more than ever, your strength makes you more beautiful and special. Let yourself be pampered, loved and appreciated because today is your celebration, the celebration of your courage! Happy Woman's Day dear women!
RO: Dragi femei, vă doresc sa nu vă lipsească niciodata forța sa o luati de la început atunci cand dezamagirile s-au aşezat în calea voastră şi nici determinarea să renunțați la tot ceea ce vă face rău! Vă doresc aceste lucruri în fiecare zi din an dar astăzi mai mult decât oricând, forța voastră vă face mai frumoase şi speciale. Lăsați-vă răsfățate, iubite şi apreciate pentru că azie sărbătoarea voastră, sărbătoarea curajului vostru! LA MULȚI ANI femei dragi!
PS: Happy blog anniversary to me!🥰
©️Florentina Andrei
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a lovely Women's Day surrounded by the people who love you! You are a special and enlightened human being, never forget that! Despite everything, women still have a long way to go in terms of rights, in many corners of the world violence against women is considered a normal reality, in my country which is considered developed, many women are killed by their husbands/partners, our statistics are a disgrace. In a country where domestic violence is still considered normal, it's a shame.
Beautiful blog
ReplyDeletebeautiful post have a nice day:)
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm stopping by to wish you a Happy Birthday, 40 years is a milestone in our lives, I wish you health and happiness for the rest of your life, in short, I wish you what I also wish for myself! So it can only be good things! A big hug!
ReplyDeleteI've just noticed that the blog has had its birthday, congratulations on a job well done! Kisses and hugs!
ReplyDeleteThanks for these wonderful wishes 💞 I wish you all the best 🌹