Sunday, July 29, 2018

A piece of my mind... / Un mio pensiero... / O gandire de-a mea...

Uneori se ajunge la o asemenea limita a suportabilitatii incat linistea devine o comoara!

Certe volte si arriva ad un tale limite del sopportare che il silenzio diventa un vero tesoro!

Sometimes we get to such a limit of supportation that silence becomes a true tresure.

Premesse/ Premises
IT: Questo post è di mia completa creazione per quanto riguarda contenuti, foto e idee espresse. Prima di usare qualsiasi parte di questo post siete pregati di contattarmi e nel caso vi abbia ispirato per altre creazioni, vi chiedo cortesemente di menzionare la fonte.
ENG: This post is of my entire creation as for contents, photos and expressed ideas. Before using any part of it, you need to contact me and in case it inspired you for other creations, I gently ask you to mention the source.


  1. Sounds really interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  2. Hello
    I've lived so long in my life in silence that now I just want to talk, any day I talk about it on my blog, what it's like to live in silence.
    But I also understand the opposite situation !!


    1. I understand you too, sometimes these situations are connected.

  3. Thanks for the interesting post! Have a nice weekend)

  4. Thanks a lot :D

    I'm totally agree with you!!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  5. As usual very interesting! Thanks a lot for sharing)

  6. I agree with you. We have to make some breaks sometimes 😊


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