Saturday, September 12, 2020

Loverbeauty and body positivity

Hello dear readers,

Today I would like to talk about looking good, about how we perceive our body shape and how we react to that perception. As you have noticed lately, my body shape changed a lot in the last few years, I gained weight but I still want to look good and feel good with myself nevertheless. Today's technology and industry can allow us to feel great despite the weight and this is why I feel like I have to and I must share with you my latest fashion discovery. Today I would like to share with you Loverbeauty, an online fashion store that made of body positivity, women's confidence, and self-acceptance their missions. Their goal is to help women feel good with their body, embrace their curves, make fashion accessible to everyone no matter what size, body shape or age they are because fashion is not a one size and one shape only industry. There are so many body shapes, the most common are: "rectangle", that is a flat appearance without curves, triangle or "pear" where the hips are larger and rounder and the rest of the body, inverted triangle or "apple", where the bust has much more volume then the other parts of the body, the "oval" where the midsection is fuller, and the "hourglass", the most desired body shape with a thin waist and broader bust and hips. Within every body shape type often there are variations and there are people with a "spoon" body shape, that is a marked pear look, "diamond" shape, with narrow shoulders, bust and hips and fuller waistline, "athletic" shape, that is a rectangular but more muscular construction, "bottom hourglass" that just as the name describes it, is an hourglass figure where the hips are wider than the bust and finally the "top hourglass" where the bust measurements are slighty larger than hips. Me for instance, I am a top hourglass and I often look for ways to balance the slight difference between bust and hips. 

Browsing the Loverbeauty proposals I got to the conclusion that a shaper panty like the one you may see below may come very handy to the apple, diamond, oval, rectangular, hourglass and athletic body figures because it will reduce the size of the waist while shaping and modeling the hips and highlighting the bust. It is available in both dark and light colors that makes it perfect to wear under an evening gown or even a bride's dress. 

Instead a pear, spoon or bottom hourglass body shapes might come in need of a strategy how to lift bottocks with tape and obtain a sexy but yet fit appearance. All this is possible thanks to the 2-piece pack butt lifing shaping shorts. As you can also see below this piece can be worn perfectly under a dress without it becoming obvious. 

As you can see this brand can really make any body shape look great, help create and grow our confidence and body positivity.  I am very pleased with this finding and I am very glad I had the chance to talk to you about all this. Did you have the opportunity to know this brand and if so, what do you think? How important is body confidence for you?


Questo post è una collaborazione occasionale. Le denominazioni, immagini ed eventuali link presenti sono anche a scopo informativo.

This post is an occasional collaboration. Denominations, pictures and links present in this article serve also for an informative purpose.


  1. Io ho provato a prendere qualche cosa del genere, non di questa marca, di altre ; pantalonci molto alti in vita ma non li sopportavo perchè la parte alta arrivava fin sotto il seno e si arrotolava continuamente, un vero fastidio !! Ora ho comprato delle semplici mutandine contenitive,per tenere dentro la pancia, queste non danno fastidio ma non è che facciano molto.

    1. ti capisco benissimo. Anch'io avevo provato un maschio molto popolare e ho avuto lo stesso risultato parlando dei pantaloncini. Mi sono trovata molto, molto meglio con la fascia reggiseno ;)

  2. yes, all models looking good...

    Have a great weekend

  3. Si vabbè io queste curve non le avrò mai, nemmeno con 10 di questi pantaloncini!
    Per non parlare di quel vitino... magari!!!!
    Io sono magra ma sono anche abbastanza muscolosa quindi non mi comprime niente... un rettagolo sono e un rettagolo resto! ^^'

    1. Non so per quale motivo, non siamo capaci a vedere la bellezza che c'è in noi e il più spesso delle volte sono gli altri che la vedono. Da una parte questa cosa è utile perché ci impedisce di diventare arroganti ma dovremo comunque passare più tempo con noi stesse davanti allo specchio e vedere il bello che c'è in noi. Io nei tuoi post e nelle tue foto vedo una ragazza bella snella con forme giuste per il suo fisico e per questo motivo molto graziosa.

  4. Weeewww what a positive post I love

  5. Body Confidence Is Far Off My Radar - Pleased You Spoke Your Truth - Enjoy The Week Ahead - Be Well

    Big Hugs,

    1. You don't need it, with all the work out you are doing, I am sure that you are in shape!

  6. Replies
    1. The first thing we have to do is to aknowledge this fact because that is a very important step.

  7. Very nice and functional models of slimming underwear. Great post dear.

  8. sometimes the perfect body shape is considered important for both advertising and business purposes. In fact, the most important thing is attitude and inner beauty

    1. That is true too but very often our attitude depends greatly on how we perceive our beauty and we should not feel ashamed for using strategies to increase our body positivity.

  9. Very interesting!
    have a great weekend,

  10. Modellano davvero la silhouette!!! Grandiosi!!!
    Happy TGIF day, tesoro!

    Kisses, Paola.


    My Instagram

  11. Perfetti da tenere nell'armadio per quando c'è un pò di pancetta da nascondere... Buona giornata!

  12. I love lover beauty products. Shapers are really helpful ☺️

  13. So lovely that brands like these exist. They can really help our confidence increase!

    1. I believe that too, they can do wonders for our self esteem.


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