Friday, July 12, 2024

Pausa di forza maggiore

Carissimi lettori e amici, 

Avevo in mente di condividere almeno 2 post con voi questo mese ma causa forza maggiore, devo fare una pausa di cca 30 giorni. Perché? Beh, perché come il leggendario Icarus, anch'io ho tentato di volare e non mi è andata bene. Per fortuna, non ho bruciato le mie ali ma mi sono solo fratturata in più punti le ossa della mano destra e siccome con la sinistra scrivo poco e scrivo male, sono costretta a fare una pausa. 

Baci e abbracci e a presto!


Dear readers and friends, 

 I was planning on sharing at least 2 posts with you this month but due to force majeure, I have to take a break of approximately 30 days. Why? Well, because like the legendary Icarus, I too tried to fly and it didn't go well. Luckily, I didn't burn my wings but I just fractured the bones of my right hand in several places and since I write little and badly with my left hand, I'm forced to take a break. 

 Kisses and hugs and see you soon!

Copyright © Florentina Andrei 2024

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Images and text of my personal creation. For any citations or partial reproductions, for illustrative, instruction or research purposes, one has to mention the source as required by international citation and copyright law. For any use for commercial purposes, the interested party is required to contact and reach an agreement with the author.

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